Monday, December 26, 2016

Algal biomass gasification efficiencies

Suffice to say i have had cross contaminations of euglena species throughout all of my samples so far.

I suspect that is has somehow travelled through my single air/co2 pump system and into the isolated cultures.

At this point it would be easy to say that euglena is an enemy/parasite of my algaculture endeavors.

But sometimes it is necessary to take a step back and ask. IS IT AND ENEMY or is it just more prolific?

It would be easy to just state it us an enemy or parasite and 'attempt' to take additional measures to eliminate euglena from the samples. But that is MORE TIME AND MORE EXPENSE to try to eliminate a USEFULL SPECIES.

I have been doing extensive studies ans a myriad of thought experiments on how to keep euglena out of the samples. Unless on has a clean roon type of laboratory at hand and extensive protocols in place and of which can be continuously inplemented. ITNOS VERY EXPENSIVE.

However, on the other hand. After aeeing the success of my fathers development of a gasification of wood chips ( a different for of biomatter ) to produce hydrogen rich syngas capable of turning a 10,000 watt electric generator. I have been researching the feasibility of using dry algae for gasification syngas generation and have found that it is not only feasible but VERY Efficient.

This conclusion is that using natural PROLIFIC INVASIVE species of algae or euglena in an open pond /  raceway environment to WORK WITH NATURE to produce euglena/ algal biomass to more efficiently produce biomass for gasification instead of focusing on producing algae OIL for biodiesel production using unnatural, sterile an expensive laboratory environment is more efficient and more natural.

So my focus then ia to focus on producing as much algal biomass as possible and not focus so much on OIL for BIODIESEL production which, from my research,  is inefficient and in exorbitantly costly.


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