Sunday, November 20, 2016

We have algae culture growth in petri dish!!!

I went on a 3 day job and came back and found that I had algae culture growth in my petri dish simply placed in my newly created bioreactor.

AGAIN, the algae from the front yard pond grew successfully on the miraclegro algae agar from the recipe in my previous post from Doane College Algae Lab YouTube videos.

Here is a great link to all of their pertinent video series. Awesome resource!!

And now the images of my petri dishes!! MESSY MESSY.

Being overly excited to cultivate a single species I have created 3 50 ml glass culture bottles made from Cracker Barrel maple syrup bottles!! I took small 'single colony' scrapping from 3 seperate areas and added to the bottles.

Here is day one images -

I placed the corresponding petri dishes behind the corresponding culture. 11-20-2016

Here is an image from 5 days ago - 11-15-2016. (significant difference in growth!!

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